Last week was Spring Break and let me just tell you: it was amazing.
No, I didn't go skiing or go to the beach or go on some crazy road trip... I just went home. And in hindsight, I could not have asked for anything better.
I had no plans for the week and if you know me, that is a big deal. I love to plan and I like to have plans.
However, what started out as a an empty week, finished as a week full of relaxation, adventures, and great memories with my family and the Trio.
Molly had the same Spring Break as me, so that was awesome. We got to spend a lot of time together and pretty much bummed it for most of the week. We drove around, ate out a lot, and took quite a few naps.
A few highlights from the week include:
Bon Fire (duh, we had s'mores and guitars and country music)
Karaoke at the Town Pump
The Zoo
Family Time aka Collins time
Lunch dates with the parents
As always, Bar Louie
Day trip to Hot Springs, for Crawfish. Yes, just for Crawfish.
Driving the tractor with Molz
House sitting for the amazing Courtney Roberson
Waffle House
Cook out with the fam, Mason, and Molly
The Trio getting feathers in our Hair
St. Patrick's Day Celebration
I think that is about it... it was a fun week and I want to go back. However, this week happened and it is almost over. It was crazy. I have four papers to write and still have one to do today. I am going to go try and get on it and get ready for another bon fire tonight! (It won't be same without the Trio & Co from the first bon fire ;) ).

Hope you guys have a fantastic weekend! And PTL the sun is finally out!!
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