Animal (Album Version) by Miike Snow (song of the summer, open in new tab and listen while you read)
Last Thursday, Molly, my dad and I packed up all of my things, loaded up the truck, and headed to Siloam Springs to move me back to school. This year I am living in duplex so the process is a lot longer and I have a lot more stuff.
We three made quite the team and I am pretty positive that we could be hired on as a moving company. We worked fast and efficiently together. After we finished, my dad decided to go back to Little Rock the same day. Since August is his busiest month at work, I did not want him to have to stay any longer than neccesary. After we said our sad goodbyes as he left me to begin my senior year of college, Molly and I went to Wal Mart to get some necessary household items. During that trip, I had the first feeling of "this is weird" and "I don't think I am ready to be back". But... I pushed those feelings aside and told myself "too bad, suck it up, build a bridge and get over it". Plus, on Friday, Kathrine, Mom, and my sisters, Lindsey and Abby were coming up to help organize and decorate my duplex.
Molly and I met all of the girls in Fayetville on Friday night, we all went out, and made a few more memories to end the summer with. Saturday was a long day of decorating. I don't know what I would do without these fives girls because they turned the empty place with a bunch of boxes into a cozy home for Ashleigh and I. (I will post pictures later)
As they finished up, reality began to sink in and I knew in a couple hours I would be sitting in my room, wondering what to do myself and letting loneliness slowly but surely creep in but I just tried to ignore it and move on.
I knew I didn't start school until Wednesday so what I was going to do over the next couple of days was all TBA. I figured I would find something to keep me busy. But, as Kathrine was giving me a hug goodbye, tears starting to fill both of our eyes as they do almost every time we leave each other, she said "Come back home, you don't start school until Wednesday."
And instead of weighing the pros and cons and really thinking about the decision, I found myself running upstairs, grabbing my bag, and throwing the essentials in for a weekend stay: my pillow, phone charger, toiletries, Nike shorts, t-shirts, two dresses, and two pairs of jeans, and a couple pairs of shoes.
Next thing you know, I am on the road home again with my two best friends in the car, listening to our Summer Mix of 2010 provided by my friend ZT, following my mom and sisters(also my best friends) back to Little Rock.
Now it is Tuesday morning and I am in Little Rock getting ready to leave again for Siloam Springs. The difference this time though is that I feel a lot more closure. I got to go to church again, spend time with some amazing new friends I met this summer, last night I went for a late night drive with a friend, windows down music up, and then went to go spend the night with Kathrine which seems to always be the right way to the end the summer. Kathrine and I got up this morning, sped through Ferndale with my white Honda (Hannah) tailing her PT Cruiser (Party Time), grabbed a quick breakfast at Kroger, and said our goodbyes officially as she went to work and I came home to get my stuff together.
Now all that is left is a quick workout at the Athletic Club and a trip to Whole Foods and I will once again be on my way back to school.
The summer is actually ending now and it puts me in an almost melancholy mood because it has been so amazing. It has been the hardest, challenging, most change-filled, exciting, and fun summer I have had.
But now it is time to start my senior year. I have not idea what God has in store but I am ready for whatever. At least, I think I am. I know it will be hard but I know it will also be fun. And I also know that God is going to work in my heart and teach me new things about me and about Himself that I have never known, realized, or really grasped before.
So here's to a new year!
Cheers everyone and best of luck to whatever stage of life you are in! May God pour His blessings on you.