So it turns out that everyone seems to be missing this season of Christmas along with myself! This is just crazy and not okay.
But to counteract that, these are the things I will still do in order to make sure I don't miss the Christmas season this year. You should think about making a list for yourself so you make sure to get the fullness out of the season!

1. Go the square in Fayetteville- even if I have to go alone.
2. Bake...a lot.
- puppy chow
- decorate Christmas cookies/make drop cookies/ rice krispie treat wreaths
- bake an apple pie
- apple cider and hot cocoa
3. Watch: The Grinch, White Christmas, Holiday Inn, The Polar Express,
A Charlie Brown Christmas, A Christmas Story

4. Listen to the Bing Crosy, Amy Grant,Phillips Craig and Dean, and Mariah Carey Christmas albums
5. Go to Hot Springs to see the lights (as my friend Jennie instructed)
6. Go ice skating

7. Christmas present shopping

8. Read The Christmas Story, the one from the Bible people
9. Buy an ugle Christmas sweater
10. Spend enormous amounts of time with family and friends.

When you get home, we can do a lot of these!! :) Can't wait till you are here!!